

Hai voluto la bicicletta? Adesso pedali, ma se vai di notte non dimenticarti a casa le luci Bookman. Certo prima bisognerebbe avere una bicicletta, vedi il povero Gabriele a cui é stata rubata, ma qui a Barcellona non manca di certo l’occasione per sfruttare le pratiche luci Bookman, direttamente dalla Svezia, semplici e pratiche da tenere in tasca per qualsiasi evenienza. Per questa stagione sono uscite due nuove colorazioni che prendono ispirazione dal mondo letteraio da cui il marchio stesso ha origine: Sixpence Orange e Oxbridge Red.

Sixpence Orange is a positive and happy color. It is a striking spring color that invokes warmth and energy. This particular shade is inspired by Penguin Books (designed by Edward Young), the company that revolutionized publishing in the 1930’s by making literature affordable to the masses. Since its paperbacks were only a sixpence, Penguin created a new generation hungry for literature that would of otherwise have been unaffordable”.

Oxbridge, a term coined originally by William Thackeray, is interpreted into a sophisticated, rich tone of red that is associated with intellectuality and enjoying the best of life. It is the color of the old fashioned leather bound books from the university libraries that the term was founded upon. It is the glass of port, drunk by the fire in an old English country house. It is a color for the elegant and classy”.

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