Dimenticatevi pure i post-it, i memo sul telefono o scritti a pennarello sul frigorifero. Ci penserà Analog Memory Desk, creata dalla designer Kirsten Camara, a saziare la vostra voglia di analogico che fa ormai tanto retrò.
We store our thoughts on computers, cellphones, tablet PC’s, and other electronic devices. We forgot the beauty of recording our thoughts on paper and keeping a historic record of our ramblings, scribbles, and thoughts. The Analog Memory Desk from Kirsten Camara brings us back to our roots in a fabulous way. Kirsten added a roll of paper to a great looking work desk. The paper cranks across the surface of the desk letting you jot your thoughts, make notes, and then roll it away to have more fresh paper.
The Analog Memory Desk is a great way capture all those thoughts you have been scribbling on Post-It notes, or in a text note on your PC. Besides, it is fun to hit the end of the roll and then reply the last thirty days of strange thoughts, scribbles, and notes.