La primavera sembra arrivata all’improvviso, facendoci salutare probabilmente l’inverno e le sue continue piogge. C’è chi però pensa già alla’ inverno prossimo ed è così che il collettivo che vi abbiamo portato in Italia un paio di anni fa, i danesi di OH DAWN hanno rilasciato una preview per la loro FW14 come al solito tutto surf e funzionalità.
“Based in Copenhagen, we thrive in the diversity between our concrete surroundings and the rawness and imperfection of the Scandinavian seascape. For now we are sold and represented in 10 different countries, working with some really good retailers, agents, distributions etc. and sold along side of brands like Norse Projects, A Kind Of Guise, Han Kjøbenhavn, Libertine-libertine, Our Legacy, Saturdays NYC, Brixton and many more. Further more we work closely and collaborate with several magazines, artists, photographers and other culturally creatives. We do everything our selfs and we believe in the authenticity, dedication and heart that comes through this hands-on approach.”