How to start the Australian dream


Lately Australia has become one of the most desired countries in the world, as a perfect destination where to begin a new life. Sun, beaches, smart cities and pure landscapes, even at first sight, Australia looks like a paradise embodying the dream of a perfect land. I am speaking as an ex Aussie travellers that lived down under for 7 months with the Working holiday visa. I landed in a country with opposite seasons and time on a 4th of december of almost 2 years ago.

Australia is a great country to travel, most of all because of its natural parks, beaches and cities personifying the quintessence of modernity and a box full of ideas. Instead, deciding to definitely move and start a new Australia dream is a little bit harder. As in every country in the world, getting a job is not an easy game and people just cannot pretend to be expert in some sectors because every year competition is harder. A good resume, good command of English language, communication skills and a dynamic attitude are the only qualities useful to easily find a good job.

In the last years, due to the increase of the Working Holiday and Student visas grant, even the travel agencies carrying out the bureaucratic issues have deeply increased (from the bank account, to the medical insurance, to job search). But most of them obviously ask for fees and quite frequently, feedbacks of customers using that service is not satisfying. In this chaotic mix of information, whoever has difficulties in doing all the administrative operations independently can ask help to one of these travel agencies. One of the few agencies offering this kind of support completely free is AussieTooYou, recently arrived also in Italy.

AussieTooYou collaborators are young guys and girls that have already lived this kind of experience previously in Oz (travel, study or work) and they assist the “new arrivals” with a particular focus on the possible courses to follow in the main big cities. It is a new and innovative reality, interesting because it offers an individual support completely free and it helps to better understand local culture. It is like having a new family ready to welcome you once you enter the country. Then everything will be easy, expect trying to save yourself from spiders, snakes, jellyfishes, ticks, sun, sharks, crocodiles, aliens and some other area in Northern Territory where it has been shooted that horror movie in which a crazy man kills everybody… and they say it’s a real story!

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