Quando il punk incontra le culture del web nasce Black Sanctuary.
Un marchio milanese nato solo nel 2010, ma gia un must fra i party lovers della città. Felpe, t- shirt e accessori che rievocano all’occulto e celebrano lo street style 90’s. Riferimenti rave, gothic e cyber mixati ad icone musicali e della nostra cultura contemporanea. Inoltre ogni capo Black Sanctuary viene curato e stampato singolarmente, rappresentando quindi un pezzo assolutamente unico.
When punk meets the cultures of the web become Black Santuary. A Milan brand born only in 2010, but already a must among the party lovers of the city. Sweatshirts, t-shirts and accessories that evoke the occult and celebrate the 90’s street style . References rave, gothic and cyber mixed with musical icons and our contemporary culture. Each garment of Black Santuary is treated individually and printed, thus representing a unique piece.