Amanti dei film “cult” e della streetculture, questa è la collabo che fa per voi. Mi ricordo come fosse ieri, era il 1995 quando vidi “Boyz n the hood” (strade violente) e nelle cuffiette era il momento del rap made USA. Ricordo di aver spinto dentro il VHS prestatomi e una volta riavvolto (una volta si faceva così), pronti via, spari, musica rap e ghetto life, tutto quello che avrei voluto in quel momento. Nel film tra l’altro recitava pure “Ice Cube” quindi ero proprio in estasi. In realtà la pellicola era uscita nel 91′ quindi ero un po’ in ritardo, ma ricordo che per me fu ugualmente il massimo. Ad ogni modo “Starter” ha deciso di dedicare proprio a questo film una capsule collection davvero niente male. Questa roba è già sugli scaffali, infatti è uscita un paio di mesi fà ma volevo parlarne perchè merita. Gustatevi la gallery…
This is the right collaboration for all the lovers of “cult” films and streetculture. I remember like it was yesterday, it was 1995 when I saw “Boyz the hood” and in the headphones it was the time of rap made in USA. I remember that I pushed in the VHS that somebody had lent me and when the tape was rewind (some years ago people did so), ready go, shoots, rap music and ghetto life, all that I wanted in that moment. In that film there was also “Ice Cube”, so I was really ecstatic. Really the film was released in 1991 so I was a little late, but I remember that it was anyway the best for me. At any rate, each “Starter” has decided to dedicate to this film a capsule collection that is not so bad. This things are already on the shelves, in fact they were released about two months ago, but I wanted to talk about because they are worth. Let’s taste the gallery…