Fine maggio vuol dire estate, sole, mare, spiagge, party,t-shirts e “The Hundreds”. Hawaii è il posto che tutti sognano e dove tutti vorrebbero essere. Questa capsule vuole celebrare i fantastici luoghi hawaiani e le tradizioni di amore ed attaccamento alla propria terra di coloro che la vivono. La collezione, ahimé, sarà disponibile solo sulle isole dell’arcipelago. Del resto fa tutto parte di questa favola ed è giusto sia così…
“Hawaii is a second home to me. My wife essentially grew up on the island, so Hawaii is a sizable part of my life and my heart. I always say that I’m going to disappear here one day… The Hundreds Hawaii is a seasonal collection we put together to showcase this passion for the island and community, to give back for all I’ve been inspired by, and to partner with an entire community and culture that we respect and love. In the product, we try to showcase and pay homage to local spots and traditions. We don’t take it lightly that the locals support a mainland/outsiders’ brand, and we just want them to know that The Hundreds Hawaii is a way to give back and reciprocate that love.”…Bobby Hundreds.
End of May means summer, sun, sea, beaches, party, t-shirts and “The Hundreds.” Hawaii is the place we all dream of and where everyone wants to be. This capsule to celebrate the impressive sights and Hawaiian traditions of love and attachment to their land of those who live it. The collection, alas, will be available only on the islands of the archipelago. After all it’s all part of this story and it is right to be so …