Durante le ferie di BoBos è stata decisamente una “Long Hot Summer” carica di news e se anche voi avete avuto poco tempo da dedicare all’hype mentre eravate sotto l’ombrellone, la redazione street ha fatto un bel riassunto di quelle che secondo noi non potevate perdervi. Qui sotto una carrellata delle uscite più cariche di Agosto.
It’s been definitely a “Long Hot Summer” during BoBos holydays, loads of news and if you too had not much time to spend catching the hype while you were under the umbrella, Bobos editorial staff did a nice summary of what you could not miss. Below there’s a rundown of the biggest releases that came out in August.
NIKE Air Max OG Tape Pack¬
Neighborhood X Coca Cola¬
New Balance Numeric “A Place in the Sun”¬
Norse Projects X New Balance¬
Stussy X Yo! MTV Raps Collection¬
HUF Quality Footwear Introduces Kevin Terpening¬
CNCPTS X Asics Gel Lyte III “Three Lies”¬
Nike SB Project BA¬
Manolo’s Tapes X 20 Years of Girls Skateboards¬
Adidas Originals Run DMC Pack FW 2013 Collection¬
Supreme FW 2013 Lookbook¬