Di tutto il lavoro di Scott C(ampbell), disegnatore e illustratore con un background molto vicino al mondo della produzione per l’infanzia, mi piace in particolare il progetto The Great Showdowns.

Di cosa si tratta? Ecco la spiegazione:

Since the beginning of time, there has been struggle. The epic clash of being against being. Tyrannosaurus Rex vs. Triceratops. Giant Squid vs. the Sperm Whale. The Circle vs. the Square. The struggle is forever. It makes the world turn around. These are the struggles that make us stop what we are doing and sort of check things out… wondering what the eff.

Atti finali, momenti cruciali all’interno della storia del cinema raccontati con l’ironia del suo tratto, così capace di farci rivivere quelle scene con un umore diverso, smorzando i toni e puntando su quello che gli riesce meglio: guardare i film con i propri occhi.

Of all the work of Scott C (ampbell), designer and illustrator with a background very close to the world of production for children, I particularly like the project The Great Showdowns. What’s this? Here is the explanation:

Since the beginning of time, there Has Been struggle. The epic clash of being against being. Tyrannosaurus Rex Vs. Triceratops. Giant Squid Vs. the Sperm Whale. The Circle Vs. the Square. The struggle is forever. It makes the world turn around. These are the struggles That make us stop what we are doing and sort of check things out … wondering what the eff. Final Acts, the crucial moments in the history of cinema told with the irony of his sudden, so capable of making us relive those scenes with a different mood, dampening the tones and focusing on what they do best: watch movies with own eyes.

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