Blush Diary | Pierre Hardy for NARS Collection


Cos’hanno in comune scarpe e cosmetici?
La risposta migliore potrebbe darla lo stilista di calzature Pierre Hardy che ha recentemente collaborato con il celebre make-up artist François Nars.

Hardy considera la cosmesi un altro settore della moda, e come per gli abiti le scarpe vanno abbinate ad hoc, così anche il make up deve accordarsi al proprio outfit. Il designer di scarpe ritiene, poi, che la scelta degli accessori e del maquillage siano decisioni da prendere sul momento,  in base all’umore e al vestiario.

Questa brillante partnership tra Nars e Hardy ha dato vita a una ricca linea di vernici per unghie e due briosi fard. Gli smalti sono pensati per stare in coppia, e propongono accostamenti insoliti, che giocano tra sensazioni differenti, associando colori tenui e morbidi a toni più decisi. Oltre agli smalti troverete anche due blush: Boys don’t Cry e Rotonde, per intensificare il colorito illuminando le gote con piccolissime particelle d’oro.

Via libera, allora, allo shopping di scarpe Hardy e cosmetici Nars, da sfoggiare rigorosamente insieme!

What have in common shoes and cosmetics?
The shoes designer Pierre Hardy could answer to this question in the best way. He has recently collaborated with the famous make-up artist François Nars.
Hardy thinks that cosmetics are another sector of fashion, and as the dresses and the shoes must be combined in a good way, also the make-up must be combined to its own outfit. The shoes designer thinks, then, that the choice of accessorizes and maquillage is a decision to make while you are dressing, on the base of your own humor and clothes.
This shining partnership between Nars and Hardy let them create a rich line of nail polishes and two lively blushes. Nail polishes are created to be in couple, and they suggest unusual combinations, that play among different sensations, unifying low and soft colors with stronger colors. Besides nail polishes, you could find also two blushes: Boys don’t cry and Rotonde, to intensify your complexion by lighting your chicks with smallest golden particles.
So, green light to the shopping of Hardy shoes and Nars cosmetics, that you must strictly show off together!

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